Tag: Migrants
JFON – Michigan is in Tijuana

Five members of the JFON – Michigan team arrived in Tijuana, Mexico on January 27 for a week of service with Otro Lado, a local organization assisting migrants.
Methodists in Mexico care for migrants

As Methodists in Mexico open hearts to migrants at the border, they find the caravan is about people not politics.
Face to face at the border wall

More than 300 faith leaders — including United Methodists from Michigan — walked to the border wall in San Diego on December 10th to bring blessing to people in Tijuana.
Join week of action for migrants

A national week of action, “Love Knows No Borders,” is scheduled December 10-18. Here’s how you can learn, give and act in solidarity with those seeking refuge in the U.S.
Caring for the migrant caravan

United Methodist leaders say many people of faith see the members of the migrant caravan as children of God escaping desperate situations back home. Many congregations are offering them aid.
‘Standing with’ at the southern border

Rev. Paul Perez has just returned to Michigan after a journey across the international bridge from the U.S. into Mexico. Here is his first-hand account of that experience.
Board calls for compassion at border

The board of directors of the General Board of Church and Society adopted the following statement at its meeting Oct. 24-26, 2018, in San Antonio, Texas.
Perez leads delegation at the border

Rev. Paul Perez is at the U.S.-Mexico border with a delegation from the General Board of Church and Society. They ask for prayers and support for justice …
News in review 2015

VICKI BROWNUnited Methodist News Service The continuing struggle against racism in the United States — which occupied United Methodists in protests, prayer and peacebuilding — was the biggest story in… Continue Reading News in review 2015