Tag: Michigan Delegation
AC endorses Kennetha Bigham-Tsai

The Rev. Kennetha Bigham-Tsai was endorsed for episcopal election by the Michigan Annual Conference on June 3, 2022. The next North Central Jurisdictional Conference will meet on November 2-5, 2022.
NCJ Conf defines path for the future

On Nov. 10-11, 2021, NCJ delegates talked about anti-racism, the future of The UMC, voted to reduce NCJ bishops by one, and also approved “The Covenant to Build BeLoved Community.”
Delegates push back on COB plans

Delegates in the U.S., including the Michigan Conference, question plans by the Council of Bishops (COB) around the postponement of episcopal elections until 2024.
Michigan delegation affirms GC delay

In a meeting on March 13, the Michigan Delegation contemplated the impacts of postponement of the General Conference and offered support for the contextual ministry of the church.
Episcopal nominations due Nov. 18

Nominations for episcopal endorsement are now being received by The Michigan Delegation. Please send your nomination online or by mail before the November 18th deadline.
Michigan elects diverse delegation

The United Methodist General Conference is coming to Minneapolis in May of 2020, and The Michigan Conference will be there.
Michigan delegates get ready to act

The third in a four-part series. The special session of the General Conference convenes in St. Louis, Missouri February 23-26, 2019. Here’s how one Michigan delegate is preparing her spirit.
Michigan delegates get ready to act

The first in a four-part series that describes how members of The Michigan Conference delegation are preparing for the 2019 Special Session of the General Conference in St. Louis, MO.
Talking about the future of The UMC

Bishop David Bard invites all Michigan clergy and laity to join him for Connectional Conversations focused on the three plans that could shape the future of The United Methodist Church.