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Writing love letters on hearts of God’s people

family in Liberia

PART E–MISSION PERSONNEL: “Every encounter I have with another person, is an opportunity for Christ to work through me,” says Helen Roberts-Evans, former EngageMI ministry partner in Liberia, now retired. Continue Reading Writing love letters on hearts of God’s people

Campaign raises $320K for students

Children and youth at school

The Michigan Conference’s Readers to Leaders campaign ends, raising over $320,000, but churches can continue supporting these vital ministries in several ways.

AC offering to aid partners

Nurses and baby

Churches are invited to hear updates from ministry partners in Haiti and Liberia and to support them by bringing their offerings to the 2024 Michigan Annual Conference.

Biking across Michigan for young leaders

Two men biking across Michigan

STEP TWO: Two pastors reflect on biking across the state in one day to raise $6,000 for students attending schools in Michigan and in Liberia.
Continue Reading Biking across Michigan for young leaders

Pastors bike across Michigan for young leaders

Two men biking across Michigan

Two pastors reflect on biking across the state in one day to raise $6,000 for students attending schools in Michigan and in Liberia.

Michigan churches help raise up young leaders

Woman reading to children

STEP TWO: The Michigan Conference’s Readers to Leaders campaign passes a critical benchmark, thanks to churches committed to literacy and investing in young leaders here in Michigan and in Liberia. Continue Reading Michigan churches help raise up young leaders

Members prepare for 2023 AC

The 2023 Michigan Annual Conference begins next week, and Michigan United Methodists will worship God, celebrate ministry, and do good work together.

Missional churches raise up young leaders

Woman reading to children

The Michigan Conference’s Readers to Leaders campaign passes a critical benchmark, thanks to churches committed to literacy and investing in young leaders here in Michigan and in Liberia.

Bishop’s Christmas offering invests in young leaders

Bishop David Bard speaking

The bishop’s Christmas offering will go to the Michigan Conference’s Readers to Leaders campaign, which is raising money to support children’s education at United Methodist schools in Liberia and at… Continue Reading Bishop’s Christmas offering invests in young leaders

Send children like Harvena to school

Children at United Methodist-affiliated schools in Liberia need scholarships to ensure they receive an education, and United Methodist churches here in Michigan can help by giving to the Readers to… Continue Reading Send children like Harvena to school

The Michigan Conference