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Mission leaders learn to fish in new waters

Fly fishing

PART A–MINISTRY SHARES: On September 30, 2023, eighty persons gathered from across the Michigan Conference to get fired up about Starting & Sustaining Ministries of Compassion, Justice, and Inclusion. Continue Reading Mission leaders learn to fish in new waters

Learning to fish in new waters

Fly fishing

On September 30, 2023, eighty persons gathered from across the Michigan Conference to get fired up about Starting & Sustaining Ministries of Compassion, Justice, and Inclusion.

A lesson on friendship

Friends hugging

Throughout Lent, campus ministry leaders will provide devotions based on the Gospel lectionary scriptures. Kim Bos from Ferris State looks at the raising of Lazarus as a story modeling true… Continue Reading A lesson on friendship

‘There’s no going back’ after pandemic

Masked for the pandemic

During the pandemic, Wesley Foundations in Big Rapids, Detroit, and Marquette found new ways to engage students and create loving community. Fall of 2021 is a time of “building back.”

Excited to be at Big Rapids Wesley House

Kim Bos, Big Rapids Wesley House

Kim Bos heard her first calls into ministry at the MSU Wesley Foundation. Now she helps students at FSU Wesley House explore what they believe.

The Michigan Conference