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Ways to get moving at AC

Women doing chair yoga

Whether you’re at home or attending Annual Conference, everyone can join the Michigan Conference’s initiative to “Move to End Child Hunger,” regardless of fitness level.

New name – same game!

Roadsign saying Change Just Ahead

Did you know that we changed the naming of Benefits Ministry Shares over a year ago? We call them Benefits Billing. The Benefits Office believes that billing is a more… Continue Reading New name – same game!

Let’s get mindful!

Man dealing with times of stress

“Are you stressed?” It’s a question that doesn’t even need asking. We’re all stressed. The pandemic brought more stress to an already stressful world, as well. Our emotional health is… Continue Reading Let’s get mindful!

Are you ready?

April is National Financial Capability Month. Do you feel financially capable? Are you ready, financially, for the future? One way to begin to answer that question is to make sure… Continue Reading Are you ready?

Eating to Good Health

Good diet helps with burnout

We’ve been spending a lot of time with our first few 4 Your Benefit Newsletters talking about our EAP (Employee Assistance Program). This is because it is one of our… Continue Reading Eating to Good Health

Huge RX Savings

I’m a true Midwesterner. The clearest proof of this is that if you compliment me on something I have – my clothes, my phone, my car, anything really – I… Continue Reading Huge RX Savings

AC Step Challenge

We’re stepping off to Traverse City for Annual Conference Session. Some folks live a long ways away, so we’re giving you time to walk there (virtually). The step challenge offered… Continue Reading AC Step Challenge

Security Beyond Life’s Uncertainties

None of us wants to imagine that we might meet an untimely death. However, every single one of us wants to make sure that if that does happen, our loved… Continue Reading Security Beyond Life’s Uncertainties

An empowered future

  February is my birthday month. I’ve always been a bit strange in that my birthday serves as an annual reminder that my days are numbered. Maybe you reflect in… Continue Reading An empowered future

Earn up to $300

Hopefully, by now, you are familiar with the Virgin Pulse program. It has traditionally been advertised as a program to get people moving, providing a pedometer to track steps. However,… Continue Reading Earn up to $300

The Michigan Conference