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We can’t keep Jesus in the manger

Outdoor nativity scene

Reflecting on the phenomenon of Baby Jesus thefts from outdoor nativity scenes, Jennifer Browne challenges us to embrace the liberating joy found in the gift of Jesus, who is always… Continue Reading We can’t keep Jesus in the manger

Thoughts on Tempered Resilience

Resilience in the smithing process

The Rev. Dr. Jennifer Browne shares a review of Tempered Resilience: How Leaders Are Formed in the Crucible of Change by Tod Bolsinger. 

May we all feel at home

At home at Bowbells UMC

Reflecting on the church home we choose or are adopted into, the Rev. Dr. Jennifer Browne imagines the future of the continuing United Methodist Church and emerging denominations.

Time to support our pastors

Support pastors in October

“How can we support our pastors and clergy leaders?” asks the Rev. Jennifer Browne. She suggests three things to do during Clergy Appreciation Month.

Motivated to live our Christian values

Values change behavior

The Rev. Dr. Jennifer Browne offers “three insights that should be motivating us to dream up new ways of living our values and carrying out our purposes as United Methodist… Continue Reading Motivated to live our Christian values

The importance of listening well

Group members listening to each other

Rev. Dr. Jennifer Browne asserts, “Listening well changes you. It can change your mind, change your decision-making, even change your life. When you’re asked to listen, really listen!”

Your values are important

Meet the Rev. Dr. Jennifer Browne, newly appointed Assistant to the Bishop, as she discerns her top three values from a list ranging from  “Accountability” to “Wisdom.” 

Clergy asked, ‘And are you still alive?’

Alive In Christ. Tania Dozeman ordained Elder at Troy, Michigan

It was not the typical Service of Recognition, Commissioning, and Ordination held on June 8. But the celebration that took place at Troy Historic Village confirmed, we ARE yet alive.

No! We are NOT able!

Lewis and Clark were able to reach the west coast in two years.

The Rev. Dr. Jennifer Browne reflects on the hymn, “Are Ye Able,” and concludes, “I don’t feel able … certainly not by myself.”

Jennifer Browne

From: Michigan Conference — Director of Clergy Excellence … To: Michigan Conference — Clergy Assistant to the Bishop/Director of Clergy Services. This full-time appointment begins July 1, 2021.

The Michigan Conference