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UMC to vote on Revised Social Principles

Book of Discipline

The proposed Revised Social Principles coming before General Conference delegates later this month hope to make the denomination’s social teachings more globally relevant.

Michigan delegates get ready to act

Jackie Euper at the 2016 General Conference In Portland, OR

The third in a four-part series. The special session of the General Conference convenes in St. Louis, Missouri February 23-26, 2019. Michigan Conference delegate Jackie Euper is praying and preparing. 

Panel identifies 78 petitions for action

Committee determining legislative agenda for 2019 General Conference

A Committee on Reference has ruled on which petitions will be considered at the special session of the General Conference meeting February 23-26, 2019.

Michigan delegates get ready to act

Rev. Kennetha Bigham-Tsai preaching at 2018 Michigan Conference

The third in a four-part series. The special session of the General Conference convenes in St. Louis, Missouri February 23-26, 2019. Here’s how one Michigan delegate is preparing her spirit. 

Michigan delegates get ready to act

Charles Boayua making a presentation at 2016 General Conference

The second in a four-part series that describes how members of The Michigan Conference delegation are preparing for the 2019 Special Session of the General Conference in St. Louis, MO.

Michigan delegates get ready to act

Michigan delegates pray at 2016 General Conference.

The first in a four-part series that describes how members of The Michigan Conference delegation are preparing for the 2019 Special Session of the General Conference in St. Louis, MO.

Video series features voices of color

Rev. Dr. Joy J. Moore

“Human sexuality is not a ‘whites only’ issue,” says Erin Hawkins while introducing this new video series from the General Commission on Religion and Race.

Korean church leaders pray for unity

Korean pray for mission future of United Methodist Church.

The Korean Association of The United Methodist Church met to discuss legislative plans heading to the special General Conference. Instead of endorsing a particular plan, the association urged the church… Continue Reading Korean church leaders pray for unity

Bishop on Way Forward

Bishop David Bard reflects on A Way Forward in June’s Joyful Journey blog.

Court OKs other petitions

Petitions “in harmony” with purpose stated in call for special session are acceptable, Judicial Council rules.

The Michigan Conference