Tag: Home
Youth with hearts for Christ

Masks on and hearts open! A pandemic cannot stop persons from engaging in mission projects at home or at the church.
Online worship is a weekly lifeline

Michigan’s United Methodists have been in worship from home since March 15. These five pastors report how technology has enabled the spread of the gospel to members and to neighbors.
You are enough

After six weeks of stay-at-home, many parents and children’s workers feel stretched thin. Rev. Kathy Pittenger offers reassurance saying, “You are enough.”
Fear, faith, and Easter

Coronavirus has impacted us all. Bishop David Bard explores the nature of fear and the human response to it. He concludes, “So, maybe Easter is about both fear and joy.”
Celebrating Easter at home

Usually, Holy Week involves multiple trips to church for special activities. But this year we look forward to a Stay-at-Home-Easter. That doesn’t mean it can’t be glorious!
Christmas gifts that change lives

The most significant Christmas gifts don’t fit in a box. Please give to Bishop David Bard’s appeal for Disaster Recovery. Your gift will be the gift of new life.
Recovery from wildfires takes love

United Methodist responses to the annual wildfires in California include immediate help and longer-term efforts to tend to the needs of those who’ve been through traumatic events.