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Helping homeless beat Zika

Florida’s homeless have little defense against disease carrying mosquitoes. The UMC steps in to help.

A gift for Flint’s children

Bishop Deborah Lieder Kiesey will soon leave Michigan. The Area is invited to honor her with a gift to Flint’s children.

End AIDS by 2030

United Methodists partner with others to ramp up effort to eradicate AIDS by 2030.

Retiring with grace

A retired professor of theology describes retirement as a time to step aside and move forward.

Standing up to stigma

A health care professional challenges the church to see God in those with HIV/AIDS.

A more healthy Liberia

A United Methodist missionary is at work in Liberia supporting community based health care.

Saving lives in DR Congo

  Dr. Pierre Manya, a missionary supported by the Detroit Conference, reports on his ministry to improve family health in DR Congo. Dr. Pierre Manya Missionary, Bd of Global Ministries… Continue Reading Saving lives in DR Congo

Meals for kids

The Haiti Hot Lunch Program continues to feed 20,000 school children with Michigan’s help.

Nearing malaria goal

A Global Health Campaign emerges as a “seamless evolution” out of Imagine No Malaria.

The Michigan Conference