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Pastors get a move on

Mary McInnis on the move with family

The second in a series encouraging good physical health of pastors and parishioners across Michigan. Move more and thrive!

‘Health is a spiritual issue’

Don Emmert speaks about clergy health

This article is the first of a MIconnect series providing information and resources to encourage and motivate good physical health of our active and retired clergy as well as parishioners… Continue Reading ‘Health is a spiritual issue’

Giving up boiled potatoes

Man holding potatoes

Rev. John Boley is giving up potatoes for the sake of his health. As he looks ahead to the future of The United Methodist Church, he lists other things he… Continue Reading Giving up boiled potatoes

Relationships help overcome addiction

Pastor shaking a man's hand.

Relationships heal. That’s the focus of this second article in a series about WV churches dealing with the opioid crisis.

Body, mind and spirit

A Michigan Conference pastor shares her ongoing journey toward health and wholeness.

Annual Conference and your health

Register now for health screening and visit BenePro booth to have insurance questions answered.

Finding balance

ReThink Church offers a  timely tip for organizing the 168 hours in your week. 

Liberia’s Ebola survivors still suffer

Liberia is now Ebola-free, but many stricken with the virus are experiencing health issues.

Doctors train to serve Liberia

Ganta Hospital in Liberia will soon welcome three Crusade Scholars to their medical staff.

Imagine No Malaria nearing goal

The United Methodist Church is moving closer to the goal of eliminating malaria for good.

The Michigan Conference