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God is still there in our grieving

Butterfly stands for hope in midst of changes

The risk of spreading coronavirus has brought about many changes in daily life, including how people and their loved ones handle grieving together.

Living through grief together

Martha shares grief with Jesus

Holy Week is very different this year. Pastor Devon Herrell talks about grief as she retells the story of Lazarus.

New year, new tasks

Wise men leave Bethlehem with new tasks ahead.

In his first Joyful Journey blog of 2020, Bishop David Bard talks about important tasks before The Michigan Conference of The UMC … ministry work, soul work, and grief work.

Hope caked with mud

Jesus washing feet

Bishop David Bard anticipates Easter blessings and talks about grief and hope in this month’s edition of A Joyful Journey.

Crisis and Trauma in Children


The world can seem like a big and scary place. Yet again, we learn of more acts of horrible violence in Christchurch, New Zealand. Children may or may not know… Continue Reading Crisis and Trauma in Children

Blue Christmas for Children


By: Rev. Kathy Pittenger Children’s Initiatives Coordinator The days and weeks leading up to Christmas can be very exciting for children. But there are children among us who also may… Continue Reading Blue Christmas for Children

A Joyful Journey

In his November blog, Bishop David Bard remains profoundly grateful even though the “difficulties before us as a country, as a world, and as a United Methodist Church, are real.”

Home Words Bound

Rev. Benton Heisler finds strength and comfort in scripture as he leaves a familiar neighborhood to “go, when and where the Bishop appoints me.”

Caring for saints in Texas

United Methodist clergy offer counsel and organize special services after 26 are killed at small-town Texas Baptist church.

Why people resist change

Pastor Ron Edmondson asks, “Leader, are you paying attention to the emotions of change?”

The Michigan Conference