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Will we go to where the people are?

Migrant children holding water bottles

Rev. Dwayne Bagley, superintendent of the Greater Southwest District, illustrates how churches in his district are compelled to take the gospel into their communities.

Seeking an antidote to loneliness

Empty bench on lake

Bishop David Alan Bard urges us to cultivate a culture of connection and encourage virtues of kindness and respect as an antidote to the loneliness and meanness we see today.

Redeemed by God’s grace

Bible and cross

God can transform our mistakes into something beautiful, says Rev. Faith Timmons, and this is the message many people need to hear. So, how will you share this good news?

Harkema honored with evangelism award

Woman posing

The Rev. Pam Harkema, pastor of Oscoda and Oscoda Indian Mission UMCs, is the 2023 recipient of the Harry Denman Evangelism Award.

Heart work, soul work, community work

Marching at a rally

In this month’s Joyful Journey, Bishop David Alan Bard reminds us that the gospel is about heart change, which is an important part of tackling issues like racism and violence… Continue Reading Heart work, soul work, community work

World evangelism active during pandemic

Evangelism not stopped by pandemic

In this time of a global pandemic, World Methodist Evangelism has adapted its work of equipping people to share Christ’s love.

Rev. Eddie Fox, evangelism pioneer, dies

Eddie Fox in Cuba

From 1989 to 2014, the Rev. H. Eddie Fox led World Methodist Evangelism, traveling millions of miles sharing his dynamic passion for the gospels.

‘More than JUST a lay person’

Lay person and campus director Derrick Scott

Derrick Scott, Executive Director of Campus to City Wesley Foundation, came from Florida to Michigan to talk about the lay person as a “gospel on the ground.”

Michigan delegation affirms GC delay

Michigan receives a new bishop in 2016

In a meeting on March 13, the Michigan Delegation contemplated the impacts of postponement of the General Conference and offered support for the contextual ministry of the church.

Confessions of an e-churcher

Accidental e-churcher, the Rev. Glenn Wagner, says, “For the sake of the gospel, we all need to figure out how to do church and community in a new way.”

The Michigan Conference