Tag: Global Methodist Church
Cornerstone votes to disaffiliate

Cornerstone Church, Michigan’s largest worshiping congregation, votes to leave the UMC and become nondenominational.
Protocol’s day has passed, some say

More than a quarter of the leaders who negotiated the proposed Protocol of Reconciliation & Grace through Separation say they can no longer support the proposal.
Looking for the one true Church

In his Cabinet Report to the 2022 Michigan Annual Conference, the Rev. Dr. Jerome DeVine asserts that scripture and history demonstrate, “No one expression of the Church is the ‘one… Continue Reading Looking for the one true Church
Foundation director offers insights

What is the impact of denominational changes on the United Methodist Foundation of Michigan? Director David S. Bell explains.
Moving forward together

In this month’s Joyful Journey, Bishop David Bard moves our focus forward on matters engaging the “heart and soul problems” in the nation and the church.
Wespath assures security of benefits

Andy Hendren, CEO of Wespath, the benefits and investment agency of The United Methodist Church, states, “Wespath is ready to support you through any changes.”
Bishops urge the relaunch of UMC

Even as a new denomination gets off the ground, Bishop Thomas J. Bickerton, now president of the Council of Bishops, urged United Methodists to celebrate a launch of their own.
When a denomination launches

Don’t expect The United Methodist Church to look much different as a denomination come May 2, says Heather Hahn in this report from United Methodist News.
Commission aims to stop GC delays

The Commission on the General Conference has not yet announced exact times and place for the 2024 session. Task forces are looking into strategic logistics.
FAQ focuses on future of The UMC

A PDF and 23-minute video, “Blessing One Another,” have been created by The Michigan Conference from an FAQ focusing on the impact the next General Conference will have on local… Continue Reading FAQ focuses on future of The UMC