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Witnessing the dawn of a new day

Sunrise over the city of Charlotte

As a monitor for the General Commission on Religion and Race at General Conference, Rev. Jerry DeVine examines the historic event and wonders how the UMC will live into connectionalism… Continue Reading Witnessing the dawn of a new day

Engage in 30 Days of anti-racism

Anti-racism leaders, Morgan Stafford

  The General Commission on Religion and Race invites you to engage in 30 days of anti-racism. Share your journey using #30DaysAntiRacism. Encourage others to join you.

Call for justice in Arbery killing

United Methodist speaking out on killing of Ahmoud Arbery

In the aftermath of the killing of Ahmoud Arbery, United Methodists, including the Rev. Dr. B. Kevin Smalls, are speaking out against the deterioration of race relations in the U.S.

Vital conversation on women’s health

The General Commission on Race and Religion of The United Methodist Church (GCORR) presents Vital Conversations 2.

The Michigan Conference