Tag: Food Security
Providing neighbors fresh food

US-2 Marie Rittenberry arrived in Grand Rapids, MI in August 2021. She is on staff at Fresh Market, a ministry of United Methodist Community House meeting food needs of neighbors.
UMCOR grant helps farmers in Africa

Crop and livestock farmers in Liberia, DR Congo, Sierra Leone, and Zimbabwe will benefit from the Yambasu Agriculture Initiative, a $1.34 million grant from the United Methodist Committee on Relief.
Help share the Lord’s harvest

Leaving part of the harvest for God’s people dates back thousands of years. Today, the Society of St. Andrew continues that biblical practice.
Virtual 5k raises $31,447 and counting

The Michigan Annual Conference launches an initiative against Child Hunger with a 5K Walk-Run-Ride that so far totals $31,447.
September is Hunger Action Month

50 million Americans are hungry. Join the Society of St. Andrew in taking action during National Hunger Action Month.