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Remembering Julia Wilke

Hearts were deeply saddened on Friday, February 26, 2016, when the word came that Julia Wilke had departed this earth, as a result of complications during surgery. Julia, wife of… Continue Reading Remembering Julia Wilke

Wesley WMU receives Lasko Grant

KAY DeMOSS Senior Writer-Editor, Michigan Area The Wesley Foundation of Kalamazoo, situated on the campus of Western Michigan University, announces the receipt of a $560,000 grant from the John C.… Continue Reading Wesley WMU receives Lasko Grant

Student Day reaches Michigan

Lladale Carey United Methodist Communications Dillon Burns grew up in a loving, caring family in Saline, Michigan.

Handling hot topics

Adam Hamilton has recently written a book, “Speaking Well: essential skills for speakers, leaders and preachers.”

Reeve thanks you!

United Methodists shared more than $400,000 in offerings on Student Day last year. Some of those scholarship dollars came back to a Michigan student named Reeve Segrest. Reeve grew up in… Continue Reading Reeve thanks you!

Support Student Day

United Methodist Student Day is celebrated on November 29. This special offering empowers the next generation of learners.

Through God’s eyes

For many years this organization has gone by the familiar name, “Christian Educators Fellowship.” Leaders across Michigan have had their awareness raised and soul inspired at CEF Conferences.

World Communion Sunday will be celebrated October 4

Since 1933 Christian churches around the globe have been celebrating Holy Communion on the first Sunday of October.

Saganing Center supports students

The Saganing Native American Center in Standish Township is supported by the Committee on Native American Ministries of the Detroit Conference. They held their 2nd annual Back to School Bonanza… Continue Reading Saganing Center supports students

The Michigan Conference