Tag: Education
Creating leaders through education

Michigan congregations are invited to raise at least $600 over the next year to support scholarships for children at United Methodist-sponsored schools in Michigan and Liberia.
Albion president looks toward retirement

Dr. Mauri Ditzler, president of Albion College, has spent six years connecting the school with the community and The UMC.
Youth raise scholarship money

The Young Adult Fellowship of the Liberia Conference believes that money given for education is a very significant investment in the future of The United Methodist Church in their country.
Send them back to school with love

September is coming! What are ways your congregation can be a blessing to teachers and students during the year ahead?
U.S. teachers support African students

For 20 years, a Michigan couple, Ann and Morris Taber, traveled from Ypsilanti to Zimbabwe in support of Africa University.
Is prayer crazy?

The CEO of Kids Hope USA shares the secret behind the success of their daily efforts with mentoring at-risk students.
Help with back-to-school

Religion News Service reports on how faith-based organizations have mobilized to ready students for the school year just ahead.
AU grads say, ‘We made it!’

The 2017 Graduating Class at Africa University is challenged to “give back to Africa.”
Ravine to freedom

Adrian College students discover new things about themselves and perceive the world in new ways as they learn about history.
Ready to study in Cambodia

Around the globe kids are going back to school and UMCOR assists with tools for learning.