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Volunteer training set for October 26

Damaged building materials piled up following a hurricane

Get the skills needed to join an UMCOR-certified Early Response Team (ERT) or a Volunteers in Mission (VIM) team. Training for both will be held at Saginaw: First UMC.

Disaster recovery, training set for April 15-19

Disaster recovery volunteers

After the Storm and the Michigan Conference co-sponsor a volunteer week to assist flood survivors in Detroit and provide Early Response Team basic training.

Get ready to ‘do good’

Volunteers repairing a building

STEP TWO: Are you ready to “Do all the good you can?” Michigan United Methodists who are eager for mission work can be trained to join an Early Response Team… Continue Reading Get ready to ‘do good’

Get ready to ‘do good’

Volunteers repairing a building

Michigan United Methodists eager for mission work can be trained to join an Early Response Team or a Volunteers in Mission team. The next training is on June 10, 2023.

Early Response Team training set for June 10

Community hit by a tornado

Disasters strike suddenly. Prepare to serve neighbors in need by joining a volunteer-led Early Response Team. The next in-person training for Michigan United Methodists is June 10.

Northville UM gets first experience helping hurricane victims

Man working on a roof

A Michigan United Methodist joined a disaster response team from Northern Illinois to assist with cleanup in Florida following the destruction of Hurricane Ian.

Early response training affirmed

Early responders provide care

Early Responders know how to prepare for recovery teams and to provide assurance to survivors that God’s people care about their lives and homes. A generous new grant supports training.

Early Reponse Team trainings set

woman fixes tarp to a roof

Two Early Response Team training sessions have been organized for this spring. Be ready to step in when disaster strikes.

The Michigan Conference