Tag: Disaster Relief
Disaster relief and recovery takes teamwork

STEP SIX: United Methodists belong to a larger disaster response network that serves the mission of Jesus Christ. The United Methodist Committee on Relief is the tie that binds this… Continue Reading Disaster relief and recovery takes teamwork
Disaster relief requires teamwork

United Methodists belong to a larger disaster response network that serves the mission of Jesus Christ here in Michigan and beyond.
Northville UM gets first experience helping hurricane victims

A Michigan United Methodist joined a disaster response team from Northern Illinois to assist with cleanup in Florida following the destruction of Hurricane Ian.
Disaster relief updates, furnace needs in Detroit

Michigan disaster relief updates include a final report on the October cleaning kit rally and a call for financial assistance to replace flood-damaged furnaces in Detroit and for volunteers to… Continue Reading Disaster relief updates, furnace needs in Detroit
Respond to Hurricanes Fiona, Ian

In response to disasters in the wake of Hurricanes Fiona and Ian, Michigan United Methodists are called to pray, donate cleaning kits (extended to Oct. 24), and give financially to… Continue Reading Respond to Hurricanes Fiona, Ian
Grants strengthen relief in Gaylord, Detroit

Two new grants will provide much-needed help in the form of disaster case management in Gaylord, following the recent tornado, and direct aid to individuals still recovering from last year’s… Continue Reading Grants strengthen relief in Gaylord, Detroit
Clean-up continues in southeast Michigan

Federal, state, and church resources are being mustered to assist in the disaster relief phase after flood waters swept through Wayne and Washtenaw counties on June 26. You can help.
Michigan VIMs assist Puerto Rico

A 7-member team organized by The East Winds District left Michigan and served in Puerto Rico for a week in January. They now see the world with new eyes.
Support disaster recovery this Advent

Bishop David Bard encourages The Michigan Conference to share hope and love this Advent season through generous contributions to UMCOR’s disaster relief efforts around the world and across the… Continue Reading Support disaster recovery this Advent
2018 Advent gifts offer hope

Bishop David Bard encourages The Michigan Conference to share hope and love this Advent season through generous contributions to UMCOR’s disaster relief efforts around the world and across the state.