Tag: Disaster Recovery
New hope after Detroit flood
Bishop David Bard says that Advent is a time to bring goodwill and kindness to life. Gifts to the 2019 Advent Offering will make a difference for those suffering from… Continue Reading New hope after Detroit flood
‘What are you waiting for?’
Advent begins again on December 1st. With wildfires, earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes leaving lives broken around the globe, Bishop David Bard invites all to consider a gift to Disaster Recovery.… Continue Reading ‘What are you waiting for?’
Support disaster recovery this Advent
Bishop David Bard encourages The Michigan Conference to share hope and love this Advent season through generous contributions to UMCOR’s disaster relief efforts around the world and across the… Continue Reading Support disaster recovery this Advent
UMC steps up after earthquake
St. John’s UMC in Anchorage, Alaska became a temporary shelter for 46 residents of Karluk Manor after the earthquake knocked out power and water to the facility.
Michigan VIM team to aid Puerto Rico
Hurricane Maria slammed Puerto Rico over one year ago. Now United Methodists from Michigan are among those helping in recovery efforts.
Michigan receives $204,000 UMCOR grant
After UMCOR assists in Detroit, Flint, Midland and Houghton, the Michigan Conference’s plans move forward to hire a full-time disaster recovery coordinator. Third in a series, “UMCOR in Michigan.”
Michigan gets disaster recovery funds
The Michigan Conference is among partners receiving significant grants from the United Methodist Committee on Relief.
Copper Country update
Clean-up is underway in the city of Houghton and surrounding communities after flash flooding June 16.
Church rises above the water
Storms fade from the headlines but the support shared by loving people stays on.
Flood recovery wraps up
The Northwest Detroit Flood Recovery Project hopes to finish 25 rebuilds, still waiting action, before the end of 2016.