Tag: Disaster Recovery
She makes UMCOR real
Flooding has hit greater Detroit three times since 2014. Case managers are the connection between resources provided by UMCOR and those in need.
Rising above COVID with hope
Whether pandemic or endemic at this point, after two years, COVID leaves church leaders with challenges and opportunities. The third in a four-part series.
Blessed to be alive after tornadoes
Eight states were devastated by 60 tornadoes in December of 2021. The United Methodist Committee on Relief is helping recovery happen with generous gifts from across the connection.
UMCOR on the scene throughout 2021
UMCOR answered many appeals for help in 2021. Here are key responses and a few of the major grants awarded to help alleviate suffering worldwide, including Michigan.
A holy season full of surprises
In this year’s Advent message, Bishop David Bard notes that some surprises are bad. But he adds we can also expect to be surprised by God’s joy, hope, and love… Continue Reading A holy season full of surprises
Advent appeal aids disaster recovery
The Bishop’s Advent Appeal for 2021 aims to be “a surprise of hope for people near and far.” Gifts will support disaster recovery in Michigan, the United States, and countries… Continue Reading Advent appeal aids disaster recovery
$6K UMCOR grant assists survivors
Flood survivors living in Iosco and Arenac counties are now being helped by a $600,000 grant from the United Methodist Committee on Relief. Long-term recovery from the 2020 flood continues.
Clean-up continues in southeast Michigan
Federal, state, and church resources are being mustered to assist in the disaster relief phase after flood waters swept through Wayne and Washtenaw counties on June 26. You can help.
Lives being changed in mid-Michigan
Disaster recovery continues in mid-Michigan after flooding shattered the lives of thousands eight months ago. Six case managers, employed by The Michigan Conference, are now helping residents rebuild their lives.
AC 2020 vote is in
Members of the 2020 Virtual Michigan Annual Conference did a new thing … a mail-in ballot. Those were counted August 28 and the vote totals were announced by Bishop David… Continue Reading AC 2020 vote is in