Tag: Dirk Elliott
Love grounds vibrant congregations

As he enters retirement, Rev. Dirk Elliott gives thanks for the conference ministry he’s helped lead and looks ahead to the ongoing work of congregational vibrancy.
Training set on single-board leadership

The Michigan Conference is hosting a free training event on August 10 on the single-board style of church leadership that many churches are adopting.
Church is moving out of the building

Some 50 Fresh Expressions have popped up in the Michigan Conference as ministry leaders discover new ways to reach people for Christ.
Go to the people in your community

The Michigan Conference is hosting two events—one on the east side of the state and one on the west side—on November 12 to help lay and clergy learn more about… Continue Reading Go to the people in your community
AC looks at Vision with new eyes

Bold & Effective Leaders. Vibrant Congregations. Ministry and Mission. These Christ-centered aspects of the Michigan Conference’s vision inspired conference members to embrace their story.
Sycamore Creek adopts Asbury UMC

Dirk Elliott reports good news. Sycamore Creek has a seven-campus vision. It’s third campus will be added on July 1, when the adoption of Asbury UMC in Lansing becomes official.
Looking for Michigan ‘packages of love’

“Evangelism can only be seen in a person. We need to become a package of love …” Nominations are now open for the Harry Denman and the One Matters awards… Continue Reading Looking for Michigan ‘packages of love’
Ways to connect with your neighbors

People are hungry for relationships. The Rev. Dirk Elliott says, “Maybe now more than any time in our past, we need to find ways to connect and build relationships with… Continue Reading Ways to connect with your neighbors
Some people who keep us singing

On Saturday afternoon the Michigan Annual Conference celebrated some of the people who have kept the song alive through good times and hard times.
French-speaking UMC grows in Detroit

In 2016 two African pastors were sent by The Michigan Conference to begin a French United Methodist Church in Detroit. The congregation is on the grow despite challenges of COVID-19.