Tag: Cynthia Fierro Harvey
Bishops urge the relaunch of UMC
Even as a new denomination gets off the ground, Bishop Thomas J. Bickerton, now president of the Council of Bishops, urged United Methodists to celebrate a launch of their own.
Bishops call for equal voting rights
Citing the two viruses of COVID and Racism, the United Methodist Council of Bishops calls the church “to pledge ourselves to the fullest expansion of voting rights.”
No episcopal elections until 2022
Though some U.S. delegates called for episcopal elections in 2021, the Council of Bishops holds to the plan to elect no new leaders until after the 2022 General Conference.
Bishop calls all to the table
The United Methodist Council of Bishops is meeting online April 26-30. Council President Cynthia Fierro Harvey’s opening sermon highlighted the image of the family table that brings people together in… Continue Reading Bishop calls all to the table
Delegates push back on COB plans
Delegates in the U.S., including the Michigan Conference, question plans by the Council of Bishops (COB) around the postponement of episcopal elections until 2024.
COB cancels May 8 GC session
The Council of Bishops has pulled back from its plan to hold a one-day virtual General Conference in May 2021. Council President Cynthia Fierro Harvey says more listening and discernment… Continue Reading COB cancels May 8 GC session
Bishops call GC session May 8, 2021
With General Conference postponed until August of 2022, the Council of Bishops has called a special online session on May 8, 2021. The purpose is to enable the handling of… Continue Reading Bishops call GC session May 8, 2021
Bishops call for voter participation
United Methodist bishops based in the United States support full participation in the coming election in the face of the two viruses, COVID-19 and racism.
Dates for GC and NCJ conferences set
The 2020 General and Jurisdictional conferences were postponed because of COVID-19. New 2021 dates were announced on May 26 along with a leadership plan for the NCJ.