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Bishop Carter responds to New York Times

Bishop Carter speaks at a press conference.

  On March 14 the Times published a feature, “Improper Voting Discovered at Methodist Vote on Gay Clergy.” Bishop Kenneth H. Carter, President of the Council of Bishops responds. 

Celebrating the life of Judy Craig

Bishop Sharon Z. Rader speaks at the Memorial Service for Bishop Judith Craig.

A Memorial Service for Bishop Judith Craig was held in Columbus, Ohio on February 2, 2019. Craig served The Michigan Area from 1984 through 1992.

UMC called to prayer

Bishops prayed. Conferences prayed. Now every United Methodist is asked to pray.

Court OKs other petitions

Petitions “in harmony” with purpose stated in call for special session are acceptable, Judicial Council rules.

Deciding on petitions

The UMC high court hears arguments about how confined the agenda should be for the special General Conference. 

Bishops offer comfort to Bush family

The United Methodist Council of Bishops joins the nation in celebrating the life of Barbara Bush.

Leaders consider impact of changes

Leaders say adaptive change must focus on the next generations of United Methodist disciples.

Bishops focus on two plans

Dallas meeting showed “leanings” but no favorite model for how to avoid denominational schism, leaders say.

Bishops gather in Dallas

The Council of Bishops, meeting this week, is refining options from the Commission on a Way Forward.

United Methodist support for #MeToo

The Council of Bishops and Commission on the Status and Role of Women respond to #MeToo.

The Michigan Conference