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Alice Townley joins conference staff

Tribute to Alice Townley

On June 1, 2021, the Rev. Alice Townley began a short-term appointment on the staff of The Michigan Conference. We welcome her as a builder of the Beloved Community.

The challenges that face us

Easter is April 17, 2022

By the Rev. Paul Perez, this month’s blog is part two of a series reflecting on the Michigan Conference’s Strategic Directions. It focuses on the missional and connectional challenges facing… Continue Reading The challenges that face us

32 coaches now taking assignments

Coaches help leaders grow

Michigan Conference-trained coaches are helping leaders experiencing transition. These one-hour coaching sessions last for 12-14 months. Want a coach? Fill out the Coaching Request Form.

Coaching culture grows in Michigan

Coaching training ahead

The Michigan Conference’s lead coach, Naomi Garcia, explains the history of this significant initiative to develop a culture of coaching that is informative, transformative, and action-driven.

Coaching is like knitting

Yarn for knitting

Coaching can be hard to describe. Naomi Garcia suggests that knitting–making and connecting loops into something attractive and useful–is similar to the coaching experience.

Young Adult Ministries starts cohort

Cohort raises seedling

An 18-month cohort, facilitated by Young Adult Ministries, seeks to partner persons with seeds with others who will help those seeds grow. Young Adults are encouraged to sign up by… Continue Reading Young Adult Ministries starts cohort

Michigan Foundation hires coach

Giving to church

Fall is a time to focus on stewardship. And this fall is especially challenging. The United Methodist Foundation of Michigan has resources for local churches, including a new consultant, the… Continue Reading Michigan Foundation hires coach

Great training opportunities ahead

Looking for training

Coach training and the Readiness to Launch network are two excellent online offerings from the conference office of Congregational Vibrancy. Sign up now! 

Travel a new road with coach training

Training on the road to change

Step up your effectiveness as a leader and help others do the same. Basic Coach Training is your road to fresh insights and new action.

Coaches keep dreams alive

right questions are key to dreams

Coaches training begins next week. This is a great opportunity to enhance your personal and professional life while helping others by asking deep-diving questions to encourage new perspectives.

The Michigan Conference