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Giving God the glory

Sunrise over water

Throughout Lent, campus ministry leaders will provide devotions based on the Gospel lectionary scriptures. Nancy Janisch from United Campus Christian Fellowship in Grand Rapids invites us to listen carefully to… Continue Reading Giving God the glory

Ways to support UM campus ministries

The Rock on the campus of MSU

The Michigan Conference’s Division of Higher Education and Campus Ministry speaks out in solidarity for all Michigan campus ministries and calls on United Methodists across the state to pray for… Continue Reading Ways to support UM campus ministries

Weighing our beliefs well

Old well

Throughout Lent, campus ministry leaders will provide devotions based on the Gospel lectionary scriptures. Erica Thomas from NMU invites us to admire the woman at the well, who was set… Continue Reading Weighing our beliefs well

Accepting our belovedness

Snowdrop in snow

Throughout Lent, Wesley campus ministry leaders will provide devotions based on the Gospel lectionary scriptures. Audra Hudson Stone from CMU looks to Jesus’ temptation as an example of how we… Continue Reading Accepting our belovedness

Campus ministries support faithful living

Water bottle with NMU Wesley printed on it.

Eight Wesley campus ministries throughout Michigan provide a nurturing space for young adults to make important faith connections.

Annual Conference gets a move on

Troy Korean UMC, Michigan, raised over $11,000 in a 5K for child hunger.

Two events at this year’s Annual Conference raised money for good causes: A hybrid 5K, allowing participants to walk, run, or ride from home, raised almost $21,000 to reduce and… Continue Reading Annual Conference gets a move on

AC presents awards and honors

Michele Weston receives the Harry Denman Evangelism Award from Dirk Elliott.

Awards and recognitions were given to individuals and congregations at the 2022 Michigan Annual Conference in honor of outstanding service.

Let’s get missional at AC 2022

Missional opportunities at AC 2022

There are five ways to support mission during the  2022 Michigan Annual Conference. Make a difference in the state and around the world.

Celebrating UM’s incubation fabric

Ministry incubation is like knitting

“Incubation knits together a culture of risk-taking, including people’s passions, needed resources, and some cheerleading,” says Lisa Batten, the Coordinator of Young Adult Initiatives for the Michigan Conference.

Campus ministries stronger together

CMU campus has a Wesley Foundation

Students on the campus of three state universities — GVSU, WMU, and CMU — find a warm welcome and put faith into action at Wesley Foundations of The Michigan Conference.

The Michigan Conference