Tag: Audra Hudson Stone
Task force mobilizes Michigan to lead

The Michigan Conference has launched a new Environmental Justice Task Force, and its lay leaders are seeking passionate Michiganders to join them.
Missionaries bring the world to Michigan

STEP FIVE: The Michigan Conference announces new ministry partners in Mozambique and Switzerland: Blair Moses Kamanga and Joy Eva Bohol. They serve as missionaries of The United Methodist Church. Continue Reading Missionaries bring the world to Michigan
The world comes to Michigan

The Michigan Conference announces new ministry partners in Mozambique and Switzerland: Blair Moses Kamanga and Joy Eva Bohol.
Learn and grow at Mission u

Come to Mission u, July 13-15, to study God’s word with other United Methodists and learn how faith moves us into action.
Accepting our belovedness

Throughout Lent, Wesley campus ministry leaders will provide devotions based on the Gospel lectionary scriptures. Audra Hudson Stone from CMU looks to Jesus’ temptation as an example of how we… Continue Reading Accepting our belovedness
Campus ministries stronger together

Students on the campus of three state universities — GVSU, WMU, and CMU — find a warm welcome and put faith into action at Wesley Foundations of The Michigan Conference.
Global Water Summit seeks to spur change

Two Wesley Foundations, one in Ann Arbor and the other in Mt. Pleasant, have partnered to focus on a basic human need. Water. They invite Michigan United Methodists to a… Continue Reading Global Water Summit seeks to spur change
Deep Methodist roots blossom anew

Two Michigan women, who began new United Methodist positions July 1, credit their faith formation to the family tree of the Rev. Ken and Jan Kline.
Michigan’s new missionaries

Three young adults with Michigan ties are among new missionaries commissioned last week.