Tag: Africa
COB cancels May 8 GC session

The Council of Bishops has pulled back from its plan to hold a one-day virtual General Conference in May 2021. Council President Cynthia Fierro Harvey says more listening and discernment… Continue Reading COB cancels May 8 GC session
UMC’s future a hot topic

As legislative proposals continue on hold, the future of The United Methodist Church has lately been the subject of statements and opinion pieces from across the globe.
Claiming the power of song

Sermons are powerful but words combined with a melody “stick with us,” says Zebulon M. Highben, director of Music at Duke University Chapel. What’s a song that sticks with you?
Council urges no new bishops

The Council of Bishops wants to postpone electing any new bishops in the U.S. and slow down adding more bishops in Africa.
Liberia’s churches begin to reopen

Wearing masks, social distancing, and taking temperatures are “new normal” practices in churches in Africa as well as the U.S. as the coronavirus pandemic continues.
Liberians want changes in Protocol

Liberia’s General Conference delegates are mandated to work for changes in the financial aspects of the Protocol and lower the percentage of votes needed for a conference to leave The… Continue Reading Liberians want changes in Protocol
Reaction aplenty to separation plan

Rev. Kennetha Bigham-Tsai, chief connectional officer of The United Methodist Church, is among those sharing thoughts on the new plan for possible separation of The United Methodist Church.
47-year-long debate grinds on

Issues before the 2020 General Conference in Minneapolis have a history dating back to the 1972 General Conference in Atlanta. Click here for an interactive timeline.
AC elections shift GC 2020 delegates

U.S. annual conferences elected more delegates opposed to the Traditional Plan, but traditionalists estimate they still have the majority overall for General Conference 2020.
Views on GC2019 and mission

Directors of the Board of Global Ministries express pain over the divide that has occurred since the special General Conference.