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Special dining at Conference

Here’s how to register for a special meal at the 2016 Annual Conference in East Lansing. 

This year special meals are being arranged by individual groups and not by the Annual Conference. This means that registration for special meals, in most cases, is not part of the AC registration process. Exceptions are noted below.

To register for special meals, review this list and sign up for those of interest to you by using the contact info provided.

Wednesday, June 8

Lunch: Detroit Conference Retired Clergy – 11 AM at  Mt. Hope United Methodist Church, 501 Mt. Hope Ave, Lansing; to register contact Terry Euper, 810.441.76.23

Thursday, June 9

Dinner: Detroit Conference Council on Finance and Administration in Brody Room 220; purchase regular meal through registration. (This is a CFA business meeting.)

Friday, June 10

Lunch: Church in a Diner Experience at Harrison Roadhouse, 122 N. Harrison Road, East Lansing; to register and for more info: meals2016.reachsummit.org

Lunch: Ashland Theological Seminary – Alumni and Friends at La Senorita, 2706 Lake Lansing Road, Lansing.

Lunch: Michigan Area Order of Deacons in Brody Room 221; purchase regular meal through registration.

Dinner: Committee on Asian American Ministry at Lansing Korean United Methodist Church, 2400 East Lake Lansing Road, East Lansing

Dinner: Social Justice (DAC Board of Justice, Advocacy and Equity and WMC Church and Society) The Peoples Church, 200 W. Grand River, East Lansing;  to register email [email protected].

Saturday, June 11

Lunch: New Ways to Reach New People meet at Harrison Roadhouse, 122 N. Harrison Road, East Lansing.

Lunch: Reconciling Ministry Network at Harrison Roadhouse, 122 N. Harrison Road, East Lansing; to register, contact Mike Tupper 269.303.3743.

Lunch: IMPACT – Rev. Ken Nash, speaker at River Terrace Church, 1509 River Terrace Drive, East Lansing; for more information and to register contact Tom Anderson, 989.422.5622

Sunday, June 12

Lunch: Explore the Call in Brody Room 221

Dinner: Micah 6:8/Methodist Federation for Social Action (MFSA) at Harrison Roadhouse, 122 N. Harrison Road, East Lansing; to register contact John Ross Thompson 517.812.9679 or [email protected].

Monday, June 13

Lunch: West MI Conference Council on Finance and Administration in Brody 220; purchase regular meal through registration. (This is a CFA business meeting.)


Last Updated on November 4, 2022

The Michigan Conference