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Social Principles 2020 July -August 2018

Members of the Michigan Conference’s Board of Justice are hosting “Principled Conversations” on a recent draft of the 2020 Social Principles.

The 2012 General Conference charged the General Board of Church and Society with the task to revise the Social Principles. The board’s goal is to make the revised Social Principles: 

  • More succinct
  • More theologically grounded, and
  • More globally relevant.

Now that a draft is completed, United Methodists across the connection are invited to weigh in and comment on the content. The deadline for submitting comments is August 31, 2018. 

Principled Conversations will be held at the following locations:

Central Bay: Thursday, July 12, 7pm at Essexville: St. Luke’s UMC

Greater Detroit: Sunday August 5, 3pm at Farmington: Nardin Park UMC

Northern Skies: Tuesday August 7, 10am at Marquette Hope UMC

Northern Waters District: July 21, 2018, 10-noon at Onaway UMC;  July 22, 2018, 4:00 -6:00 PM at Harbor Springs UMC; and July 28, 2018, 10 AM at Grawn UMC.

Format Of The Meetings

The meetings will be conducted in a conversation group process. At the meeting, each participant will have the opportunity to discuss, in a small group, one of the six sections of the draft of the revised Social Principles. These sections are—The Community of all Creation, The Nurturing Community, The Social Community, The Economic Community, The Political Community, and The World Community.  There will be a facilitator for each of these small groups. 

The last part of the event will bring everyone back together with all groups sharing their impressions and perspective from the section they studied in their small group. Copies of the draft are available at www.umcjustice.org/sp2020. After the meetings, all participants are invited to submit their comments at this same web page. 

Last Updated on January 31, 2024

The Michigan Conference