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GC 2020 nominations are now open

Michigan Delegates at the 2016 General Conference in Portland, OR

The process is in place to nominate delegates, clergy and laity, for election to serve at the 2020 General and Jurisdictional conferences. Nominations are due by February 15, 2019.

General and NCJ Delegate Nominations are now open.

Significant decisions about the global nature of the church, mission emphasis, deployment of clergy, local church vitality, and denominational structure, are likely to be made at the 2020 General Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 5-15, 2020. The North Central Jurisdiction will be electing bishops in Fort Wayne, Indiana, July 15-18, 2020.

This is your opportunity to nominate delegates, clergy and lay persons, to serve at both the 2020 General and Jurisdictional conferences. The election of delegates will occur at the Michigan Annual Conference in June 2019.

To appear in the list of nominees to be published prior to the Annual Conference, nominations must be submitted electronically by February 15, 2019.

To nominate an individual, please complete the appropriate Nomination Forms. Click here for both clergy or lay forms.  

As specified by the Conference’s Committee on Rules and Order of Business, completed nominations will be transmitted to the Director of Connectional Ministry, along with other members of this committee, who will oversee their collection and the extraction of relevant data for inclusion in a list of nominees that will be published on April 1, 2019 only on the Michigan 2019 Conference Website: 2019.MichiganConference.org. This list will be included as part of the package of preconference materials.

Other nominations for delegates to General and Jurisdictional conferences may be received as write-in nominations on the first ballot at the Michigan Annual Conference with no nominating speeches and no biographical sketches.

Individuals may nominate themselves or be nominated by a third party. In either case, nominees must affirm their willingness to serve if elected. 

As always, The Michigan Conference strives for a slate of nominees that is inclusive of age, gender, persons with disabilities, and ethnic diversity. You are encouraged  to differentiate between loyal workers who are deserving of recognition and those who truly possess the qualities needed to be an effective delegate. 

For more details about the process and the criteria for nominees go to 2019.michiganumc.org/general-and-jurisdictional-conference-delegation/.

Last Updated on October 30, 2023

The Michigan Conference