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New from HAPI

Haitian Artisans for Peace International has released a 3-minute video that provides an overview of the who, what and why of HAPI– perfect for ‘mission moments’ or sharing on the FB page of supporting churches.

The video is the first in a series to be released in 2016, highlighting HAPI’s initiatives in maternal care, development of 21st century skills in young people, women in leadership and more.

HAPI makes a trend-breaking difference in the lives of Haitians through its focus on long-term, holistic solutions to poverty alleviation. That’s because HAPI:

  • takes a comprehensive approach to poverty alleviation, providing the education, health, economic and spiritual services needed to succeed in today’s ever-evolving economy
  • •focuses on the proven leverage point of women’s ability to lift themselves and their families out of poverty
  • is run by community leaders in Haiti and backed by experienced global funders (such as The Advance of the General Board of Global Ministries, the United Methodist Committee on Relief, and the United Methodist Women).

For information on how to stretch contributions to HAPI on Giving Tuesday, December 1, click here.


Last Updated on November 17, 2015

The Michigan Conference