Tag: Haiti
‘One day Haiti will rise’

Fifteen years after the earthquake, Haiti suffers a man-made catastrophe of monumental scale. This June, the Michigan Conference will consider a plan to provide empowerment and hope.
Conference renews covenant with Haiti

PART D — INTERNATIONAL: Michigan United Methodists have had a relationship with God’s people in Haiti since 1996. The 2024 Annual Conference put a plan in place to help strengthen that special bond. Continue Reading Conference renews covenant with Haiti
Conference renews covenant with Haiti

Michigan United Methodists have had a relationship with God’s people in Haiti since 1996. The 2024 Annual Conference put a plan in place to help strengthen that special bond.
‘We are open for such a time’ as this

PART D–INTERNATIONAL: Four United Methodist mission partners in Haiti give updates and encourage churches to continue support amid the current humanitarian crisis. Continue Reading ‘We are open for such a time’ as this
‘We are open for such a time’

Four United Methodist mission partners in Haiti give updates and encourage churches to continue support amid the current humanitarian crisis.
AC offering to aid partners

Churches are invited to hear updates from ministry partners in Haiti and Liberia and to support them by bringing their offerings to the 2024 Michigan Annual Conference.
Trust in the risen Christ

With the humanitarian crisis in Haiti in mind, Bishop David Bard asks us to live out our resurrection faith and labor for a more peaceful and just world.
Cardiac care now at the heart of HAPI’s vision

STEP FOUR: Valerie Mossman-Celestin just returned from her first trip to Haiti in five years. It was a time to reconnect with the community, reassure the staff, and recreate the ministry. Continue Reading Cardiac care now at the heart of HAPI’s vision
At the heart of HAPI’s vision in Haiti

Valerie Mossman-Celestin just returned from her first trip to Haiti in five years. It was a time to reconnect with the community, reassure the staff, and recreate the ministry.
Haiti flooding increases displacement, hunger

At least 42 dead, and over 13,000 displaced after flooding in Haiti on June 4. Support UMCOR’s programming in Haiti now through The Advance.