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Neighbors find love on Green Street

Green Street UMC ingathering of food

When the pandemic struck in Michigan, Green Street United Methodist Church in Hastings found new ways to share Christ’s love with their community.

The Rev. Bryce Feighner, pastor of Green Street United Methodist Church in Hastings, MI reports that the congregation recently received the 2020 Community Impact Award from the Barry County Chamber of Commerce.

“Hundreds of people come to our church each week to receive temporal assistance through the Food Pantry, Fresh Food Initiative, and Community Meal,” Feighner notes.  “While we are not currently serving Tuesday night in-person Community Meals due to the coronavirus, we have found innovative ways to carry on this ministry.” They have used Community Meal funds to purchase gift cards to Hastings restaurants to give to folks that receive food through Green Street ministries.

On November 26, 2020, Green Street volunteers provided a drive-thru Thanksgiving Meal to 325 people. “Then, on December 15, we provided a drive-thru Christmas Meal to over 160 folks in our community,” the pastor says.  “Those events, along with Barry Bucks and gift cards distributed with the meals, gave Hastings businesses an economic boost in addition to helping folks needing food assistance.”

“They are passionate in their service and as a result, Barry County is a better place to live,” said the community representative conferring the award. She continued, “As you know, 2020 was a year like no other. We faced challenges we had never seen before and witnessed the strength and resiliency of organizations throughout our county. Green Street United Methodist Church is an organization that really stepped up to support the community.”

In receiving the award on behalf of the congregation, Rev. Feighner said, “Our members and constituents are among the most giving people in the world.” He later added, “These outreach activities have created a tremendous amount of goodwill for The United Methodist Church.”  

Last Updated on April 27, 2021

The Michigan Conference