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January MImagazine ready to print

news to share

MImagazine presents the top news of each month in a printable, easy to share format. Here is the first edition of the New Year.

Click here for a pdf of the January 2020  edition, which includes a month-by-month review of 2019 in The Michigan Conference.

Some like their news on paper instead of on-screen. Monthly MIConnect Magazine is for them. Download it. Share it on your Facebook page. Post it on your bulletin board. Place a few copies in your church library.

Unlike the weekly MIConnect and mifaith that “live” mostly on the Conference website and most be read online, the monthly MImagazine is formatted for printing. There are 16 pages of blogs and features that represent the “top news” of the month.

Readers ask Michigan Communications how they can make the stories in the Weekly MIConnect and mifaith emails available to more people in their congregations. Five simple ways.

  1. When MIConnect arrives on Wednesday afternoon, forward the email to leaders and members who would enjoy features that offer resources, discuss issues, and provide news of the United Methodist Church in Michigan and worldwide.
  2. When mifaith arrives on Friday morning, forward the email to leaders and members who would enjoy stories about people of faith and opportunities to serve God.
  3. When people wonder about how The UM Connection works to make disciples and transform the world, encourage them to subscribe to those weekly emails that focus on working together to make a difference for Jesus. 
  4. When the Monthly Magazine arrives, forward the email for those who like email and print it for those who like their news on paper.
  5. Follow Michigan Conference of The United Methodist Church on Facebook. MIconnect and mifaith are posted there each week.

Find previous editions here:

 Year-end Review 2018 Feb-Mar 2019April 2019 MImagazine …  2019 Michigan Annual Conference review …  July 2019 edition  … August editionSeptember 2019 editionMImagazine November 2019MImagazine December 2019 .

Last Updated on January 12, 2023

The Michigan Conference