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Michigan VIMs leave for Liberia October 25

Director and children at Bishop Judith Craig Children's Villlage in Liberia.

A volunteer in mission team will soon be leaving Michigan for service in The Liberia Conference. They covet your prayers.

The Rev. Terry Euper is leading a Volunteer in Mission team to Liberia October 25 – November 8, 2018.

Prayers are appreciated as nine persons from The Michigan Conference leave for West Africa on October 25, 2018.  The Volunteers-in-Mission team will work on projects assigned by the Liberian Annual Conference VIM Director, Dehkontee Tarr.  

Projects include:

  • building a playground at the Bishop Judith Craig Children’s Village;
  • constructing a pigpen at the White Plains Agricultural Center; and
  • painting rooms at the College of West Africa and Bopolu Mission.

The team will also visit Ganta Mission and will participate in the dedication of a well in the Kokoyah District in memory of the late Millicent “Billie” Rench of Owosso, Michigan.

Thanks to the former Flint Crossroads District (now East Winds) for providing the project money for its second team to Liberia. The first team went in 2005.

This 2018 team consists of members from Hale, New Life, Northville First, Owosso First, Genesee/Thetford, Sanford and Clarkston UMCs. Team members ask for prayers from the congregations across Michigan as they work in 90 degree temperatures.  

The Liberia Conference is a covenant partner with The Michigan Conference.  

2018 Liberia Mission Team from Michigan
Front row, l-r: Rev Mike Seymour (New Life), Rev Karen Williams (Genesee/Thetford), Ruth Sutton (Sanford). Back row: Jackie and  Terry Euper (Owosso First), Diana Brumfield (Northville First but not going), Brenda DuPree (Clarkston). Other team members not in photo: Rev Mel Leach (Hale), Chuck Woolley (Northville First) and James Reynolds. ~ photo courtesy Jackie Euper

Last Updated on September 20, 2022

The Michigan Conference