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Coaching culture grows in Michigan

Coaching training ahead

The Michigan Conference’s lead coach, Naomi Garcia, explains the history of this significant initiative to develop a culture of coaching that is informative, transformative, and action-driven.


Michigan Conference Associate Director for change, systems, conflict … 4 good

A few weeks into 2019 a newly formed collaborative gathered. The stated objective was to establish a shared strategy of living our part of the Michigan Conference vision, mission, and values. The hesitancy of these selected educators, justice-seekers, community organizers, people-lovers, kind-hearted, strong-willed, and relentless disciples of The Divine One was noticeable.

Guided by guest facilitators, the field staff and supervisors made a way to six expressions of shared objectives. One version is to support persons in professional ministries, especially those entering ministry transition within the MiConference connection. The dream is the creation of a sustainable MiConference coaching culture that is informative, transformative, developmental, and action-driven. 

To this end, the Michigan Conference trains, assigns, supervises, supports, and evaluates “highly qualified coaches” who meet the education standards of the International Coaching Federation (ICF). Training includes coaching for resilience, intercultural competence, various organizational roles, transitions, life circumstances, and compliance with the ICF Code of Ethics. 

Coaching has been described as therapeutic, and it is not therapy or counseling.

It can be spiritual and calming, the resting places of sound thinking and the destinations of making decisions.

The first pilot occurred in 2019. The official launch is on target for 2022. 

The lead coach and instructor is Naomi García, MiConference Associate Director for change, systems, conflict … 4 good. Naomi began coaching and training coaches during the Michigan Area’s Vital Church Initiative (VCI). Naomi is an ICF Professional Certified Coach (PCC) and is on the faculty of Coaching4Clergy; this permitted the first coach training class in the fall of 2019.  MiConference is now a Coaching4Clergy satellite conference.

At this writing, more than 30 coaches are in varying stages of completing the educational requirements. Most are in Michigan. Some are outside the state. Many have been assigned. 

We’re on our way to creating a shared coach-approach to all things United Methodist in Michigan. Another Basic Coach Training takes place in May. Learn more.

For more information check out michiganumc.org, keyword coaching.

Last Updated on October 30, 2023

The Michigan Conference