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Louisiana … how to help

Put your compassion for Louisiana flood victims into action with prayer and cash donations to UMCOR.

August 15, 2016 — The flooding in south Louisiana continues as residents in Ascension Parish are now experiencing similar backwater flooding that residents in Livingston and East Baton Rouge Parish experienced Sunday.

Thousands of rescue operations are ongoing and our prayers remain for those stranded and for those involved in rescue operations.

Many are exploring ways to help.

United Methodists are uniquely positioned to help with partners from UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief). Assist those most affected by the Louisiana floods by donating to the UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) United States Disaster Response Fund (#901670).

Several churches have been converted to shelters for those that have been displaced. Four of the Parishes have already received a Federal disaster declaration so the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has been mobilized.

UMCOR is working on an emergency grant and request for relief supplies from the Louisiana Conference. The region is still in emergency mode with rescues still ongoing. UMCOR is ready to assist now with their signature Cleaning Buckets and other disaster response resources. Sager Brown UMCOR Depot in Baldwin, LA was not affected by the flooding, and all staff are safe in their homes. They are busy coordinating relief supplies.

Cleaning Buckets cost about $65 and contain basic supplies such as detergent, sponges and soap that allow flood survivors to begin the overwhelming job of cleaning up.

Those wishing to build Cleaning Buckets can find directions here. Or make a donation to the UMCOR Material Resources, Advance #901440 and help UMCOR purchase and distribute much needed relief supplies.

When disaster strikes, heart-wrenching images appear on television. People have lost everything. Their homes are swept away or lie in a sodden heap. Their belongings are ruined.

UMCOR asks people to couple compassion with good judgment in order to best help disaster survivors. Here are a few things NOT to do at this point in this or any disaster:

  • Resist the urge to jump from your couch and drive to the disaster site. Do not self-deploy. Pray or send a cash donation.
  • Don’t give the shirt off your back. Volunteers on the scene have no time to sort and store used clothing. Again, a cash donation is better.
  • Don’t let donations dry up after a week or two. Keep sending dollars and packing Cleaning Buckets.
  • Sign up for disaster preparation and training. This grows the team of First Responders who can deploy when the next disaster strikes. Info here.


Last Updated on January 30, 2024

The Michigan Conference