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Learn to be a grassroots advocate

Advocate for Justice

Learn how to be an effective advocate for peace and justice in this two-hour online workshops scheduled for Wednesday, May 27 from 6-8 pm. 

COVID-19 has revealed and intensified many of the social and economic disparities in our society. Now, more than ever, it is important to learn how to engage in relational-based advocacy with elected officials around these and other important issues.

The Northern Waters District Peace with Justice Committee and the Conference Board of Justice is sponsoring an online training assisted by staff from the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL). The session will be held online on Wednesday, May 27 from 6pm-8pm.

This two-hour interactive advocacy workshop will train each participant on how to be a more effective advocate for peace and justice, even while isolated at home. We will go in-depth on FCNL’s relationship-based style of lobbying and teach fundamental skills of strategic interactions with members of Congress.

Participants will take an action together, and will learn how they can continue engaging in grassroots advocacy through our national Advocacy Teams program. This training is value-based for all justice seeking people in churches and communities across Michigan.

Originally planned as an in-person event at the Grand Traverse Resort, this Introduction to Advocacy Workshop features FCNL Advocacy Teams Trainer Sarah Freeman-Woolpert. Please contact sarahfw@fcnl.org with any questions.

Click here to register. Note, if you registered for the in-person session at Annual Conference, you are not automatically registered for this virtual training. You must re-register.

Last Updated on May 12, 2020

The Michigan Conference