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Keep Making Peace Apr. 1, 2017

“Confronting Michigan’s Climate Change” is the focus of the15th annual Keep Making Peace event to be held at University UMC, East Lansing on Saturday, April 1.

Bishop David Bard will share a United Methodist perspective. Other presenters are:

  • Dr.  David Karowe presenting, “Effects of Climate Change on the Great Lakes Region.” Karowe is a Professor of Biological Sciences at Western Michigan University. His students investigate potential ecological consequences on plants and insects of elevated levels of carbon dioxide. He has research grants from the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
  • Dr. Sharlissa Moore addressing, “Transitioning to a Low Carbon Electricity System in Michigan.” Moore is an Assistant Professor of International Energy Policy at Michigan State University. She will report on recent research with energy experts and citizens in the Lansing area about the barriers and opportunities in moving to low carbon electricity including solar and nuclear power.
  • Bill McKibben, longtime United Methodist Sunday School teacher and founder of 350.org, appearing via video.  He is a distinguished Scholar at Middlebury College, a fellow of the American Academy of Arts, and the author of over a dozen books.

Participants will learn next steps they can take to care for God’s creation.

The event opens at 9 am and adjourns at 4 pm. University UMC/MSU Wesley is located at 1120 S. Harrison Road, East Lansing, MI 48823.

Keep Making Peace is sponsored by the Lansing Shalom Center, the Michigan State University Wesley Foundation, the United Methodist Women of the West Michigan and Detroit Conferences, West Michigan’s Board of Church and Society, and Detroit’s Board of Justice, Advocacy and Equity.

Last Updated on December 27, 2022

The Michigan Conference