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United Methodists head to the polls

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United Methodists should review what General Conference has said in the Book of Resolutions as they reflect on the issues facing our state and nation and the candidates who run… Continue Reading United Methodists head to the polls

Finding common ground on climate change

Man holding light bulb

Michigan Interfaith Power & Light invites Michigan UMCs to join a free webinar on November 1 to learn about this trusted partnership with Michigan churches and how they can help… Continue Reading Finding common ground on climate change

Take a moment or two for joy

Catching fireflies in a mason jar.

Bishop David Bard, in this month’s Joyful Journey, encourages us to carve out time for joy-filled moments, so that we may have the capacity to care for the world’s pain… Continue Reading Take a moment or two for joy

‘The earth is the Lord’s’

Earth and water in Charlevoix

When it comes to creation, the Rev. John Hice calls for mindfulness, saying, “Can’t we often ask ourselves, ‘How does this thing I’m doing help or hurt God’s earth?’”

Be ready to help when disasters strike

Disasters bring neighbors together

“We are not called to do it alone.” Carol Blair Bouse encourages local churches to network with others when disasters come to their communities.

Young Methodists raise climate awareness


Climate Justice for All (CJ4A) is an international project to promote awareness in the run-upto the United Nations’ 26th Climate Change Conference Oct. 31-Nov. 12 in Scotland.

UMW supports student climate strike

Climate March

United Methodist Women announces that they are actively supporting the global student climate strike that will begin on September 20th.

Wespath uses clout for climate change

Woman holding globe

Officials of Wespath, the agency that administers UM pension funds and benefits, are touting its efforts to be environmentally friendly. 

Urgency needed around creation care

Two people look over garden

Everything from green-friendly investing to connecting with government officials was discussed at the recent 2019 United Methodist Creation Care Summit.

Smaller energy bill, bigger ministry

Man on roof of Ferndale UMC

Michigan Interfaith Power and Light is a non-profit organization helping churches save dollars through energy efficiency. Those funds can then be invested in congregational care and community outreach.

The Michigan Conference