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Just Resolution reached with Tupper

A just resolution has been reached in the complaint process against the Rev. Michael Tupper.

LANSING MI…Michigan Area Bishop David Alan Bard today announced that a just resolution has been reached in the complaint process against Rev. Mike Tupper.

In July 2015, Rev. Tupper, an ordained elder of the West Michigan Conference, reported that he officiated at a same sex wedding in Cassopolis, MI in violation of The United Methodist Book of Discipline, the instrument for setting forth the laws, plan, polity, and process by which United Methodists govern themselves.  A complaint was filed against Rev. Tupper in July 2015 which led to a supervisory response.  The process led to a just resolution which focuses on repairing any harm to people and communities, achieving real accountability by making things right in so far as possible and bringing healing to all the parties.

“I am grateful that we have been able to reach a just resolution with Rev. Tupper,” said Bishop Bard.  “I am so appreciative of the faithful and respectful approach that allowed space for the Holy Spirit to be at work.”

The relationship of LGBTQ persons in The United Methodist Church has been the source of intense emotional debate for decades. Faithful members of The United Methodist Church represent a diverse spectrum of belief on all sides of these matters. At the most recent General Conference held in Portland, Oregon in May 2016, the official position of The United Methodist Church on LGBTQ persons was debated but no changes were made.  Instead, United Methodist elected clergy and laity delegates called for episcopal leaders to establish a commission to specifically address LGBTQ concerns.  The Council of Bishops established the “Commission on a Way Forward” at their July 2016 meeting.  According to the President of the Council of Bishops, Bruce R. Ough, the commission plans to begin work this fall.

Last Updated on December 8, 2023

The Michigan Conference