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Is prayer crazy?

Prayer calendar focuses thought

The CEO of Kids Hope USA shares the secret behind the success of their daily efforts with mentoring at-risk students.

Their website describes their mission in this way: “Kids Hope USA builds life-changing relationships one at a time: One Child, One Hour. One School. One Church.” Many United Methodist churches partner with them in that mission.

Kids Hope President David Staal, says in a feature in Ministry Matters: “A couple decades ago, someone shared a wild option for our organization to consider. We do just one thing: we partner local churches (many are UMC) with local schools and equip the churches to mentor at-risk students at the schools. One mentor with one child. Simple. The new idea: Add a prayer partner to each relationship, someone willing to feel a burden and pray behind-the-scenes specifically and consistently for the student, the mentor, and their relationship. In other words, ask churches to recruit two people for every one student. In a single word: Crazy. Finding one volunteer is hard enough. I’m so glad we went with the far-fetched idea.”


Last Updated on September 18, 2018

The Michigan Conference