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Have you registered for Annual Conference?

The Michigan Annual Conference takes place May 30 – June 2, 2019 at Grand Traverse Resort. Go now to 2019.michiganumc.org for all the details.

The focus of the 2019 Michigan Annual Conference is Bold and Effective Leaders. What does it take to be a bold and effective leader these days? WisdomHeart …  and Courage are identified as the characteristics God gifts and calls forth as United Methodists in Michigan strive to make disciples for Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. 

Online registration will close on May 3. Late registration re-opens May 29th on site at 3 pm with an additional $50 late fee. It is recommended that persons register online before arriving. 

The 2019 Resolutions for Legislation at the Michigan Annual Conference are now in print. Click here for the pdf.

Annual Conference begins with opening worship on Thursday, May 30, at 10 am and concludes with a Service of Ordination and Commissioning on Sunday, June 2, at 2 pm. A basic schedule may be viewed here. Livestreaming of plenary sessions will be available for home viewers.

Bonus Activities include: A 5K Run-Walk-Elliptigo; Golf Scramble; Native American Dance Exhibition; Health Screenings; and Communications Workshop.

Last Updated on October 31, 2023

The Michigan Conference