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Grateful for the pastors in our lives

Woman and her pastor

In celebration of Pastor Appreciation Month, Lauren Canary outlines some practical ways we can show pastoral leaders they are valued and cared for.

Farmington Hills: Nardin Park UMC

Providing thanks, words of appreciation, or acknowledging a job well done can incredibly impact both the giver and receiver. Pastors are uniquely positioned because so much of their job is loving others, encouraging new ideas, and supporting those in their congregation.

The month of October is Pastor Appreciation Month, and it can be a wonderful time to flip the narrative by showering pastors with the compassion they hand out every day.

There have been many times when a pastoral figure stepped up to help me learn and grow, shaping who I am. A recent example was last fall when I was discerning next steps in life. I had an opportunity to work as a chaplain for Appalachia Service Project (ASP) over the summer, but this meant leaving family and friends behind. It also meant balancing two jobs and a class.

While I was torn and talking to God about what to do, Pastor Monica William provided a safe space to question the “what-ifs” and talk through potential obstacles. In the end, she encouraged me to follow my passion. Thanks to her guidance, support, and patience, I was able to follow God’s call to serve in Central Appalachia. I was transformed over the summer, as were those around me. This is one example of how a pastor has greatly impacted the trajectory of my life, and I will be forever grateful for Pastor Monica.

Reflecting on how I showed appreciation to Pastor Monica for helping me discern this opportunity, I recognized that intentional conversation was key. I was able to send her photos from my summer, thank her for believing in me, and share my experiences with her. By opening a conversation that allowed us to bond and grow closer through a shared ASP staffer experience, a new form of compassion and appreciation was shared.

While we have unique ways in which a pastor has supported us, motivated us to follow a new path God has provided, or sat with us during uncertainty, have we truly thanked the pastors in our lives for their support?

There are so many ways to show appreciation to pastors, most of which can be incorporated into a monthly routine, not just during October. A simple note, saying “thank you,” can go a long way and will surely be remembered. Inviting pastors out to coffee or lunch, outside of their regular duties, can show you care deeply about them as a person and not just their responsibilities as a pastor. Perhaps you can offer a chance for your pastor to take a night off and enjoy a meal with their family at their favorite restaurant. Often, the smallest action of appreciation goes the furthest.

Pastors often carry a heavy load when it comes to church responsibilities. Offering to volunteer can be an incredible gesture of support. Whether it’s helping with administrative tasks, organizing events, or leading a Bible study, volunteering to help can relieve some of the burdens they may feel. This shows appreciation and demonstrates that you value their time and efforts. It is a chance for you to serve your faith community in different ways while providing an opportunity for your pastor to fulfill their own spiritual or personal needs.

One of the most powerful ways to show appreciation for your pastor is through prayer. Consistently praying for their spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being is a meaningful and thoughtful act. Letting them know you are praying for them is very encouraging when they are facing challenges in ministry or their home life. You can uplift and encourage your pastor in their work by showing appreciation through prayers, thoughtful gestures, and volunteering.

So, now I ask you to consider how you feel supported, loved, and valued. Is it through words of encouragement, acts of love, or perhaps a small gift? How do you show and receive love from others? However you feel appreciated and seen, I empower you to do the same for your pastor this month. If you love spending time outside, invite them along for a walk with you. If you love cooking family recipes, bake something for your pastor. If you receive love through words of affirmation, let them know you are praying for them and they are doing a good job.

Please join me in a prayer for all those pastoral leaders in our lives — past, present, and future:

Almighty God, thank you for the gift of pastoral servants. Please give them rest, knowing they are fully loved, deeply valued, and appreciated beyond measure. Enable us, as lay individuals, to share your love with our pastors throughout this month. Provide us with the resources to care for our beloved siblings in Christ, knowing they are doing your work. Thank you for the talents you have bestowed on our pastors and their hard work. It does not go unnoticed. Continue to keep adoration, friendship, and you, God, in the center of our lives during Pastoral Appreciation Month. We pray for all this in your heavenly name. Amen.

Last Updated on October 10, 2024

The Michigan Conference