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General Conference Forum: “Get Engaged”

On April 22 at 7:00PM, Birmingham First United Methodist is hosting “Get Engaged,” a Michigan Area-wide informational Forum on the 2016 United Methodist Church General Conference.

The Forum is sponsored by First United Methodist Church of Birmingham and the Detroit Renaissance District.

The forum is intended to give United Methodists in Michigan an opportunity to engage in a discussion of the issues, challenges and possible outcomes from this year’s General Conference (GC) that could profoundly impact the practices and direction of the United Methodist Church. A copy of the forum program is attached. The forum is open to all interested persons.

The purpose of the forum is to engage attendees in:

 Consideration of how GC decisions directly impact the way we practice our faith.
 Discussion of proposals that may come before the GC that would empower the U.S. UMC to address uniquely U.S. centric issues.
 A review of GC proposals that would extend our denomination’s acceptance of the diversity of human sexuality.
 A conversation surrounding the critical need to make disciples of Jesus Christ and the strategies the GC may adopt to revitalize our churches.

We are excited to have as our presenting panel all of the Detroit Conference delegates to General Conference:

 Reverend Charles Boayue, Detroit Renaissance District Superintendent
 Jackie Euper, lay delegate
 Rev. Joy Barrett, pastor, Chelsea United Methodist Church
 Wayne Bank, lay delegate
 Rev. Melanie Carey, Clergy assistant to Bishop Kiesey
 Diane Brown, lay delegate
 Rev. Laurie Haller, Clergy delegate from the West Michigan Conference

Panel members will focus their presentation on one of the four unique purposes of the GC forum as noted above. Following each presentation there will be a Q&A driven discussion. The forum will conclude with refreshments and an opportunity to continue the GC dialogue.

We look forward to seeing you on April 22nd. Frank Driscoll of our Church & Society Committee is one of the event coordinators. We would appreciate it if you would rsvp Frank to know how many people from your church will be attending. He can be reached by email (frank.driscoll@mellc.co) or by phone (248.666.5021).

Download General Conference Forum flier.

Last Updated on March 9, 2016

The Michigan Conference