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In Flint for the long haul

This month’s Interpreter Magazine lifts up the response to Flint’s water crisis as an example of the Connection at its best.

Senior Editor-Writer, Michigan Area

The water crisis in Flint, Michigan, has moved in and out of headlines across the United States, but the human need and compassionate response have remained constant.

The politics of the situation are still being sorted out, and long-term solutions are being explored. In the meantime, the Crossroads District of the Detroit Conference is grateful for all the support from across the United Methodist connection. Together, God’s people are building courage and creating trust in the midst of a desperate situation.

“A lot of Flint residents are throwing their hands up,” said Pete Plum, the Crossroads District emergency water resources coordinator. “They believe things are not moving quickly enough so there’s lots of hopelessness.” However, Plum added, “The pastors and volunteers I work with are not giving up. They are in the trenches, taking water to people and calming their fears.”

Read more.

Last Updated on May 16, 2016

The Michigan Conference