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Dillon’s tips for Michigan 5K success!

5k tips from Dillon Burns

Are you ready for the 6th Annual Michigan Conference 5K? Pastor Dillon Burns is in training right now and he has some counsel for those who plan to walk, run, ride, or wag to combat child hunger.

Pastor, Manchester United Methodist Church

With the 6th Annual Michigan Conference 5K for Child Hunger Relief now less than a month away, here are a few training tips I have found useful so far.

5k Tip 1

TIP 1: Consider including a canine companion for a helpful training boost! More than just a run, the 5K is also a “wag” and encourages participation from our four-legged friends. Hold tight to the leash and know that every step they drag you down the trail is that much less energy you had to contribute!

5K tip 2

Tip 2: Be warned, however, that a dog’s early enthusiasm may not translate to sustained endurance. Fortunately, carrying a dog for any portion of your run is an effective way of including an upper body workout in the day’s training regimen.

5K tip 3

Tip 3: It may be important to identify yourself as a runner in training, particularly when incorporating young children into a run. A large sign on the back can help drivers know to leave a wide berth and encourage other runners to leave you in the dust, sometimes offering helpful advice in passing like “Run faster!” or “Get out of the middle of the road!”

5K tip 4

Tip 4: Remember that the champion mindset begins in training. Ensure that you are prepared for every aspect of this athletic competition by practicing your run through a finish line. Do your best not to collapse from exhaustion in front of the imaginary crowd.

5K tips from Dillon Burns

Tip 5: Finally, it is tradition in many sports to celebrate a win by drenching the coach with Gatorade. How rewarding is that!?! In this training, you are both athlete and coach. Consider celebrating your successful run and cooling off all at once by emptying a cooler of water over your head.

Of course, your mileage with these tips may vary. They’ve worked well for me, but I’ve also only gone for one run and might need to rest up for a few weeks before I’m ready for the second. Good luck and happy training!

~ You, too, can benefit the cause of ending child hunger in Michigan by participating in the 2022 Michigan Conference 5K! While there is an on-site event this year at Grand Traverse Resort, the Walk-Run-Ride-Wag can be done anywhere at any time. Full details here.

Last Updated on September 20, 2022

The Michigan Conference