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Count Day is Wednesday, June 10

Four locked bank bags now rest at the Area Ministry Center in Lansing. Two bags hold the Detroit and West Michigan Conference ballots around the creation of one conference in Michigan.

The other two bags hold the two conferences’ will around whether there will be one Area Corporation to administer the state’s United Methodist camps, campgrounds and retreat ministries.

The Rev. Dr. William Dobbs received the bags at Adrian College and Calvin College auditoriums. The  Conference Secretaries hold the keys.

This Wednesday, June 10, all bags will be opened and the ballots counted. The count will be announced by Bishop Deborah Lieder Kiesey at 1:00 pm in a live webcast.

Please keep the Michigan Area in prayer during this time.

The future begins on June 10. The live webcast will be carried on this website starting at 12:55PM EST.  

Click here to watch. 

Last Updated on October 27, 2023

The Michigan Conference