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Upcoming Events

Residency Training at St. Francis Retreat Center
Wednesday-Thursday, September 4-5, 2024
For Provisional Members
Contact Bri Desotell for more information.

Online Candidacy Summit
Friday-Saturday, January 24-25, 2025

Online Candidacy Summit
Friday-Saturday, July 18-19 2025

For more information, visit our Exploring Ministry Toolbox

Clergy Services Staff

Debbie Stevenson

Debbie Stevenson
Coordinator, Board of Ordained Ministry
[email protected]
517-347-4030 x4051


Ordination 2013

The staff and resources of the Michigan Conference Board of Ordained Ministry, the Office of Clergy Services, and the Office of Congregational Vibrancy & Leadership Development are here to support clergy leaders at all phases of their vocational journeys.

This page includes information about opportunities for development in the areas of finance, conflict, and coaching. There are links below that connect you to funding sources for BOM seminary and Continuing Education grants (Susan Hitts).

You will find a wealth of information for clergypersons, members of congregational and district committees, and members of the Board of Ordained Ministry at Resources/Board of Ordained Ministry.

Professional and leadership development opportunities can be found at Resources/Local Church/New Faith Communities.

Those considering ministry as a Licensed Local Pastor, Ordained Deacon, or Ordained Elder can start at Resources/Exploring Ministry.

Don't know where to start? Let us help!

Please contact Coordinator Debbie Stevenson

Saving Grace: Financial Wellbeing for Clergy

Clergy are notoriously shy about engaging in conversations about money. But a direct link exists between personal finance management and effective pastoral leadership. The Rev. Dr. Sherry Parker-Lewis, Senior Director of Church Relations for the UM Foundation of Michigan, regularly offers a six-week online class that explores personal finance from a scriptural and Wesleyan viewpoint and guides participants in the faithful management of their resources. This class is suitable for clergy leaders at all points of their vocational life. For information about upcoming classes, please contact [email protected].

Addressing Conflict

Conflict happens.  Sometimes it’s arrival is seen, heard and felt.  Sometimes it disappears as quickly as it appears.  Sometimes one can’t imagine or remember a time without it. Sometimes the heaviness of a pretend peace seems like the only option…a shared normal that doesn’t feel good.  And…there are better ways to work through conflict to transform it for good.  

Trained Michigan Conference facilitators, coaches, consultants and mediators are ready to assist ministry teams, committees, paid and unpaid leaders, congregants, small group ministries and more.  Service fees and expenses vary.  To learn more, please contact Naomi Garcia, Associate Director for Congregational Vibrancy, [email protected]  -  517-347-4030 ext. 4092. 

Pastoral Transitions

Leaving one ministry setting and moving on to something new can be a challenge, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Get the tools and resources to assist you in making a smooth transition. 

Board of Laity and Board of Ordained Ministry Best Boundary Practices.

Pastoral Transitions Online Workshop

CFA Approved Moving Companies

"Come to the Well" Clergy Renewal

Watch the following videos on how four clergy cope with stress.

Last Updated on July 24, 2024

The Michigan Conference